In our news section you will find the latest updates from the porn industry in both Denmark and the rest of the world. We bring factual news that has been thoroughly researched and, when necessary, translated from international sources. However, we do not simply borrow news – we assess and analyze it in the context of the Danish industry to see if there are relevant similarities, differences or insights that can be useful to our readers.
Our news is based on credible sources and focuses on everything from new trends and tendencies to political decisions and cultural shifts that affect the porn and erotic industry. We want to keep you informed with updates that give you a deeper insight into how developments abroad can also have an impact on the Danish market.
Keep up to date with the news here at
Dear Reader
At, it is important for us to emphasize that our content reflects the views of our writers, supported by facts and sources they can refer to. We want to create a nuanced space where different perspectives can be expressed, while ensuring that our articles are based on well-documented research and credible sources.
Some of the posts you read on our platform therefore represent the writer's own views, and the author's name will always appear at the end of the article. If it says "Pornodebatten" as the author, it means that the post was written in collaboration between several writers. In addition, you may also come across anonymous posts, giving a voice to those who want to share their experiences anonymously. All articles, whether named or anonymous, undergo our editorial approval to ensure quality and reliability.
We do not allow stories or claims based on unsubstantiated circumstances, especially when it comes to individuals or organizations. Our goal is always to deliver credible content, where we strive to maintain high journalistic standards.
If you think we have made a mistake, or if you have additions or corrections, please feel free to contact us. We greatly appreciate your input and always want to improve our platform.
If you are part of the porn or erotic industry as a model, actor or otherwise, and if you have questions or face a challenge, you are also welcome to reach out to us. We always want to hear from you.
Thank you for reading our blog.
Kind regards,